Degeneration and the Chiropractic Lifestyle

What is Subluxation Degeneration?

Subluxation degeneration is how the body responds to improperly functioning spinal joints. With early detection, appropriate chiropractic care has been shown to slow,
stop, or even reverse the early stages of this process. Ask your doctor to design a program
of preventive care for you.

Normal Cervical Spine
Normal curves and proper disc spacing allow normal function of the spine and nervous system.

“Normal” 75 Year Old Cervical Spine
This 75-year-old patient helps prevent Subluxation Degeneration with many years of regular chiropractic checkups.

Like the mineral deposits in a cave, if given enough time adjacent spinal bones can fuse together.

Phase One Cervical Spine
Loss of normal curves and nervous system dysfunction result from uncorrected spinal trauma.

Phase Two Cervical Spine
Bone spurs and abnormal bony growths distort the shape and function
of the vertebrae.

Phase Three Cervical Spine
After years of neglect, the improperly functioning spinal joints often fuse together.

Motion is the key to joint flexibility. Regular chiropractic care promotes proper joint
function and mobility.

Usually seen as the misalignment and malfunction of the spine. Normal spinal motion, curves, and disc spacing are altered. Because the body is so adaptable, this early phase can exist without the warning of pain or other symptoms. If left uncorrected, the degeneration continues.

Recognized on X-ray views of the spine by visible bone spurs and rough edges of the vertebrae. Soft tissues, such as discs and ligaments degenerate from the lack of normal joint movement. Again, pain or other symptoms may not be present.

A lifetime of neglect may cause the eventual fusion of the malfunctioning joints. Atrophy, permanent nerve damage, and soft tissue degeneration are prevalent. Reduced mobility and impaired nervous system function can diminish one's quality of life.

Subluxation Degeneration is a process.

Regardless of age, when spinal damage goes uncorrected, the body deposits calcium on the surface of adjacent bones that aren’t moving properly.

If neglected long enough, this splinting effect can result in complete fusion. This worsening process is called Subluxation Degeneration and can occur throughout the spine. Researchers recognize several phases of spinal decay.


Chiropractors are experts in the care of the bones, nerves, muscles and connective tissues that make up about 60% of your body. All of the joints in your body are part of this musculo-skeletal system and its optimal function is necessary for overall good health. Ask your Doctor of Chiropractic for more information about a care program that may include specific spinal adjustments, exercise recommendations, nutritional advice or other conservative methods of care based on your health history, age, current condition and lifestyle.


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Jackson, R., M.D., The Cervical Syndrome, Charles C. Thomas Company, 1977.
Kapandji, I. A., The Physiology of the Joints, Churchill Livingstone, 1982.
Kirkaldy-Willis, W., M.D., Managing Low Back Pain, 3rd edition, Churchill Livingstone, 1993.
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